2023 Virginia Data is LIVE! Maps & Analysis
Our GIS team put together how each district voted this year, including its opposite chamber!
Hey y’all!
It’s here at last. Our GIS team has calculated how each House and Senate district has voted this year, including Senate results by House districts and House results by Senate districts. Aidan’s also made 6 maps for your viewing pleasure so you can view the results easily outside of the paid subscriber state legislative data sheet.
One disclaimer: due to provisional votes not being allocated by precinct, they are NOT included in these datasets and maps. So put an asterisk next to HD-71, HD-41, and SD-24 in Williamsburg and Blacksburg, where there were a lot of provisional same-day registration votes.
For detailed, precinct-level results for 2023, you can once again check out the results page Jack built this year, which also now includes the swing from the 2022 US House result!
With all that being said, let’s get into how each district voted this year for the state legislature and see where ticket-splitting was most prevalent in the competitive districts.